Discover the blog for mental wellbeing. Here we offer practical tips to improve your wellbeing and help you discover a positive sense of purpose. Topics include work life balance, managing anxiety and improving mental wellbeing. Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.
Why exercise is good for our mental wellbeing
Positive benefits of exercise in improving your mental wellbeing. Find out how you can develop a better lifestyle.
4 min read
Reasons why “living for the weekend” is affecting your wellbeing
Are you struggling emotionally? Do you get to the end of the weekend and feel more depressed than before the weekend started? Have you considered whether you might…
4 min read
Find your purpose and improve your wellbeing
Finding Purpose in life is key to wellbeing. People with a sense of purpose are likely to pursue goals which are aligned with their personal values. They have…
4 min read
Find out how mental wellbeing is linked to a good work life balance
Have you ever considered how your work life balance affects your mental wellbeing? Work life balance is something most people take for granted, especially in our modern day.…
4 min read
Learn to manage your worries and improve your mental wellbeing
We all worry from time to time. Worries are normal and are a part of everyday life. Worries can be about money, work, family, health, the news and…
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Learn about why activity planning is important for having purpose
There is a strong link between the activity we do and having purpose and meaning. When we don’t plan our day to day activity we can start to…
4 min read
Why seek coaching?
Coaching can help us in our personal development journey and sometimes we require different perspectives. Contact our team to start your journey towards improved mental wellness.
How is coaching different from therapy or counseling?
Coaching focuses on personal and professional development, goal-setting, and future outcomes, while therapy or counseling often deals with healing emotional wounds, mental health issues, and understanding past experiences. Coaches typically work with mentally healthy individuals seeking growth, whereas therapists treat psychological issues.
How many coaching sessions are required?
Everyone’s needs are different and coaching sessions are tailored to individual goals. The initial free 30 minute consultation is a good way to establish those goals. To find out more about how to book, please visit the coaching page
How will I know if my coaching sessions are benefitting me?
The goals you define at the start will be key to evaluating how your coaching journey is progressing. Your aim is to achieve the objectives that you set. Ultimately you will want to see improvement in your wellbeing and see progress in the areas you have identified as targets for change.
For more information, message us directly.
If you don’t see the information you’re seeking, we encourage you to connect with us directly for a conversation tailored to your needs.
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Discover wellbeing, purpose and meaning