Category: Wellbeing
Why exercise is good for our mental wellbeing
Positive benefits of exercise in improving your mental wellbeing. Find out how you can develop a better lifestyle. Read more
Reasons why “living for the weekend” is affecting your wellbeing
Are you struggling emotionally? Do you get to the end of the weekend and feel more depressed than before the weekend started? Have you considered whether you might be living for the weekend? So what exactly is living for the weekend? Living for the weekend is when you have a 9-5 job that you put… Read more
Find your purpose and improve your wellbeing
Finding Purpose in life is key to wellbeing. People with a sense of purpose are likely to pursue goals which are aligned with their personal values. They have a strong identity and take ownership of the decisions they make. They are more content and satisfied with life. We lose our sense of purpose when we… Read more
Learn to manage your worries and improve your mental wellbeing
We all worry from time to time. Worries are normal and are a part of everyday life. Worries can be about money, work, family, health, the news and media, they can be about anything. They can feel overwhelming because when we experience worries we start to develop anxiety and it affects our mental wellbeing. It… Read more